The Carnivore’s Breakfast of Champions: Bacon, Cheese & Egg Waffles

Well, well, well, look who finally found a spare minute to jot down some thoughts! With 45 mph wind and rain coming down sideways, I thought today would be a good opportunity to write about the past 4 months and also post a “diet recipe” since Mike and I are trying to get “trim” for our upcoming September vacation to Tonga where we’ll be swimming with whales. No jokes about me being the largest mammal in the water, please! So, while we hunker down from the storm outside, let me unveil what has happened the last 4 months.

March kicked off with my usual monthly check-in at Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle, but this time, I was randomly selected to attend the AWS All Hands meeting in person and got to witness our esteemed CEO, Adam Selipsky, grace the stage. That was kind of cool, especially since he decided a couple months later to leave AWS and so I got to see him live before his AWS retirement. I usually take advantage of seeing my friends when I am in Seattle and so I reunited with my dear friend Astrid and we caught up on life over a delectable ramen dinner – because what’s a trip without savoring the local flavors?

But March wasn’t just about Seattle; it was also the month I embarked on my journey to Germany to celebrate my mums birthday. Our first stop? The familiar Starbucks in Mönchengladbach, because mum loves Starbucks Frappuccino’s, but always forgets how exactly to order it – for the “average German” its too much trouble having to order the exact size, the type of milk, hot, cold or iced, with or without additions like chocolate sauce or nuts etc. A Frappuccino is also a cherished memory for me since my mum and dad learned about these drinks the first time they visited me in Seattle over 24 years ago and at that time there was no Starbucks or coffee place with 800 different variations of coffee drinks in Germany. So every time we saw a Starbucks we would stop and I would order them a variety of different Frappuccino’s and they loved them so much that they would order the very last one at the airport on their flight back to Germany. The first couple of times though they just received iced coffee, not being to familiar how to order the drink until I would write it on a post it notes that my parents then could give the barista at the airport. They were so proud the first time they received the right drink on their own.

I really wanted to make my mums birthday special, it was the first time after my dads passing that my mum would leave the house and “travel”. So I whisked my mum away for a two-day stay at the magnificent Schloss Bensberg, near Cologne. Steeped in history, this former castle-turned-hotel dates back to the 18th century and was once a hunting retreat for the elite. Its stunning Baroque architecture and meticulously manicured gardens make it a true gem. We kicked off our regal escapade with a castle tour, immersing ourselves in the rich tapestry of its past.

Then, it was time for an indulgent English Tea Time, reminiscent of the cherished memories my parents and I had created during our visit to Victoria, Canada, years ago. Even though Germany is much closer to England than Victoria/Canada, the tea time was much better in Victoria in the Empress Hotel, but we still enjoyed the little sandwiches in Schloss Bensberg.

The following day, March 25th, marked my mum’s birthday, and we celebrated in style with a full day at the spa, followed by a scrumptious dinner in the castle’s restaurant where we were joined by my mums brother and husband. As if the stars had aligned, they served my mum’s favorite dish – Seezunge (sole fish) – making the occasion even more special. It was really fancy and the server filet the fish at the table, so I couldn’t really take a picture of the food.

The next day I had organized a professional photoshoot and we got all dolled up by a professional make up artist and hairstylist, ready to let our inner divas shine. Well what can I say, the artistic team certainly gave it their all, but I wasn’t too happy with the outcome, I guess they have their limits too :-). I can though really recommend the photographer – Manuel Thome – (, who knows how to capture the essence of mother-daughter love and make it shine, caked-on makeup or not.

After a couple days back home, our castle adventures continued as we ventured to the historic Schlosshotel Muenchausen, also known as Schloss Schwoebber ( This stunning castle dates back to the 13th century and was once a fortified stronghold for the Counts of Schwalenberg.

We kicked things off by exploring the picturesque surroundings on bicycles, followed by a leisurely coffee break in the stunning Knights’ Hall, its an amazing space with soaring ceilings and beautiful Gothic architecture, originally used for banquets and celebrations. For dinner, we indulged in a candlelight buffet, savoring an array of gourmet German delicacies, including a tempting selection of fish dishes, befitting the Easter weekend.

The following day, we immersed ourselves in the charming town of Hameln, renowned for its remarkable Fachwerk architecture. Fachwerk houses are characterized by their unique half-timbered construction, with exposed wooden beams and infilled spaces, often decorated with intricate carvings and designs. This building style was particularly popular in Germany during the 16th to 18th centuries and gives Hameln its distinctive medieval charm. But Hameln isn’t just about its architectural marvels; it’s also the birthplace of the legendary tale of the Pied Piper, who famously led the town’s children away after being denied payment for ridding the town of rats.

After bidding farewell to Hameln, we treated ourselves to another rejuvenating spa day before returning to Mönchengladbach. There, I had the pleasure of savoring one of my favorite dishes, “Grünkohl mit Pinkel” (green cabbage with smoked German sausage), lovingly prepared by my uncle and his husband.

With heavy hearts, it was time to bid farewell to my mum and return home. Its one of the toughest moments at the airport when I have to walk through security and leave my mum behind and now even more than ever without my dad by her side, she has to drive home all by herself.

The travel gods had pitty with me, and I was upgraded to business class, making the journey back an absolute delight with champagne, fine dining, endless movies, and an abundance of movie candy to indulge in.

Back home, Mother Nature had a surprise in store for us – the awe-inspiring Aurora Borealis graced the skies right outside our doorstep, fulfilling a long-standing item on Mike’s and my bucket list.

My monthly Seattle trip in April was due again and this time I decided to take my velcro dog Murphy with me. While the city life wasn’t quite his cup of tea, it was a lot of fund having a furry companion in the hotel, I slept sooo much better!

Once again I took advantage of visiting my friends while in Seattle and this time I had a chance to catch up with Christy as she was getting ready to head out to Germany to visit her husband Wolfgang. Murphy, Christy and I headed to Harry’s Beachouse in West Seattle and enjoyed some Sashimi and Halibut. Then it was time to get back to the country.

Wedding season is upon us and in May, we got invited to the beautiful wedding of our neighbors’ son, a mere two-minute side-by-side ride from our home, surrounded by the serene beauty of the lake.

Then, my dear friend Sam graced us with her presence, and we commemorated her birthday with a delectable rhubarb crisp – her favorite! With an extra set of hands on deck, we seized the moment to relocate and double the size of our existing garden. Because really, what’s more fun than sweating it out under the blazing sun, battling weeds and lugging water cans? Okay, maybe harvesting nature’s bounty trumps those delights. So we decided to go big – a whoppin’ 1,200 square feet of potential green goodness!

Mike, Sam, and I transformed into a blitzed gardening crew, madly tilling, fencing, and meticulously mapping out our plant-filled paradise. From seeding to sprinkler system installation, Mike and Sam were an unstoppable force.

We planted a cornucopia of plants and seeds from Garlic, cucumbers, beans, onions, radishes, strawberries, carrots, now we just sit back, watch our edible oasis flourish, and wait to harvest the fruit of our labor and start canning pasta sauce, beets and pickles in October.

June brought a delightful detour from my usual Seattle trip, as I found myself in the vibrant and unfortunately dirty city of San Francisco, attending one of my partner’s conferences who also treated me to a Giants game. Amidst the bustling city, I indulged in all my favorite culinary delights – savoring sourdough bread, slurping soul-warming Vietnamese pho, indulging in tuna poke and acai bowls, and, of course, treating myself to an obscene amount (3 pounds, to be precise!) of the heavenly Recchiuti chocolates, a true masterpiece under the chocolate artistry of Picasso.

Now on to the actual recipe, let me unveil the Beefy Batter Bombshells: A Carnivore’s Craveable Waffles! Not sure going Carnivore is my “favorite diet style” but these waffles are really good if you are serious about ditching flour and stay carb free.

Bacon/Egg/Cheese Waffles


  • 5 eggs
  • 2 cups of grated cheese (I took mild cheddar)
  • 5 slices of cooked bacon, chopped into small pieces
  • 1/4 cup of cottage cheese (you don’t have to use cottage cheese, I just added it in for more protein)
  • a dash of Italian seasoning
  • a dash of pepper


  1. Fry up 6 pieces of bacon and chop into little chunks.
  2. Heat up waffle iron and spray very well with Pam (or other oil)
  3. Beat the eggs
  4. Add pepper and Italian seasoning
  5. Add in grated cheese, cottage cheese and bacon mix well
  6. Pour 1/4 cup of batter into each side of the waffle iron and bake.

Voila! Serve with more bacon and an egg on the side.

These freeze very well and you can just pop on into the toaster for a quick snack or breakfast bite.

Guten Appetit!

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