A Year in Review – Rhubarb Crumble

The passing of my beloved father in 2023 left an immense void in my heart. For months, I struggled to find meaning or motivation, wishing time would stand still though life pushed stubbornly on. But the photos and memories shared here remind me that even in our darkest moments, there is light and love to…

Eton Mess – Pacific Northwest style

Good old Wikipedia always helps me out when I want to share a recipe but don’t really know the entire story behind the dish. Not that it is always important but it can’t hurt to know what’s “behind” the actual dish, especially when its not originating from my country and I don’t have any background. So…

Thanksgiving Butternut Squash Soup

Ha, finally an entry that is ahead of its time! First things first, here a quick summary for the events of the past 4 weeks that haven’t made it into the blog yet. Who would have thought that I would share a baby kitten photo so early after Xena just passed, but after days and…

Chocolate Zucchini cake

I am sure you have heard it over and over again from friends who give you a recipe – this is THE BEST cake ever, you have to bake it and then you bake it and its so la la…well here I am this is THE BEST chocolate cake EVER – that is if you like…

Spanish Flan/Creme Caramel

The first weekend after being back from Germany, Mike and I decided to take it easy on Saturday and invited Beatrice and the Irish over for some Mexican BBQ, lots of beers and Beatrice and I decided to settle for a well known German drink called Hugo – a drink made with Elderflower syrup or liquor, champagne, mint…

The German Food Diary – Day 5 & 6

The last two days have been somewhat “short” because we are playing “Skip Bo” until 2:00 am. in the morning, get up around 11:00 a.m the next morning, drink coffee, eat breakfast, clean up, take a shower and its 2:00 p.m. before we can even do anything outside of the house. A lot of time…